zondag 3 januari 2010

The succes of 2009.

After a bad start, 2009 has been a great year for the AEX index, aswell as for other indexes. The AEX closed the year 2009 at 335,27 index points. So where it lost 52,3 percent in 2008, it gained 36,35 percent in 2009.

Apart from the AEX, the Dutch also have the so called MidCap index, the AMX. The AMX is composed of 25 companies who are not big enough to be a part of the AEX index. The AMX was founded a lot later then the AEX. The AMX was founded in 1995. The AMX experienced a growth of almost 64 percent.

In my previous blogs I told you something about the beginning of 2009. I told you that 2009 had a bad start and that it recovered. The comodity related companies had the biggest profits, because most people thought the world economy would soon recover.

The coper price for instance, reached a 16 month high. You have to pay 7407 dollar per ton. The price of metal increased with almost 140 percent. Oil prices went up aswell. The price for one barrel of oil(159 liters) went up by 80 percent.

The most succesfull companies of 2009 are ASMI, OCÉ and Randstad. ASMI grew by 189,9 percent, and with that it is the most succesfull of all. OCÉ grew by 174 percent, and Randstad by 143,7 percent.

The company 'Wessanen' lost the most. It lost 5,0 percent over the year 2009. But the absolute worst performing company was ofcourse Fortis, Who went bankrupt.

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