vrijdag 1 januari 2010

AEX, greatest wins and losses in a month.

If you buy stocks from the AEX index you can get rich with a bit of luck. But you also have to know when to sell, cause a conpany can run into a financial dept without a warning. In this blog I will show you how irreliable the AEX index is, by giving you the biggest losses and wins of the AEX index.

If you buy your stock in the wrong mont, you can lose a lot of mony. One of those bad months was september, 2008. The AEX's index points dropped 19,71 percent. Another really bad month was september, 2002. At the end of this month, the AEX closed down with 20,25 percent lower points. That is the second greatest loss the AEX ever suffered in just one month. The absolute worst month was at the beginning of the AEX. In oktober, 1987 the index lost 27,53 percent. This was only four years after te opening of the AEX. It was not really a promising start. So it did not really help that just one month late, november, it lost another 17,79 percent.

When the AEX opened there were a lot of interested people who decided to invest in it. In the first month of the AEX( march, 1983) it gained a staggering 17,52 percent. This is the biggest win in a month ever for the AEX. Just one year later it experienced the second greatest win ever. In januari, 1984 it gained 17,28 percent. Oktober, 2002 was a good month aswell. It gained almost 16 percent.

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